For human beings the dominant sense is sight
So, coming to our senses
Would necessarily involve restoring sight
By removing our blinders
Which keep us from seeing anything
That isn’t directly ahead
And dead ahead, of course
Is a screen
Screening out everything else
Leaving us blind to the light that surrounds us
So, where
We simply couldn’t see behind us
Making it so hard for us to learn from the past
That we lived in it
Repeating the same mistakes ad infinitum
Though we could at least look from side to side
And also see what lay up ahead
Which was more of the same
Unless we remembered where we came from–
Remembering the light by finally seeing it
With blinders on and screens up
We will be kept in the dark
For the foreseeable future
Which is no future at all
So, we live stranded in the present
But let me present to you a solution–
He has many names but often goes by the name Hashem
Which means the Name
We too all have a name
And we all have a price
As we have named our price
Selling our souls to the devil
For an eternal now
That was over the moment it started
There’s only one way to get our souls back–
We need only open our eyes to one God with many names
And it will all begin again
Let there be light