When they start to call you clear-eyed it just means you’re a cynic whose time has come
No one can describe exactly What it was like When God spoke directly to all 2… At Mt. Sinai Because it was the only time
No man is an island but plenty live in abandoned towns
If we had our druthers We would be insufferable Instead, we suffer As if desire were a curse And not our saving grace
In the digital age we let our fingers do the talking
In countries with official state-r… Everyone pretends to pay attention So that they can go back to being… In countries with unacknowledged s… Everyone pays attention
We all know death is coming and yet it remains a surprise ending
My curated self has asked me for a divorce
If you can get what you want you’re selling yourself short
Home is where you go and you have to take their shit-eating grin
The difference between God and ma… When we get up to our usual shenan… God always says Frankly my dear, I do give a damn
As the civil war raged on between too much, too soon and too little, too late I thought I’d found
People are afraid of change so they change with the times
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
Language is great for Letting us tell each other Where it hurts And you keep telling me It hurts when I don’t listen