Chris Gaither

Let’s Start at the Beginning

Post-Enlightenment Secular Materialism (PESMism)
Terminated in the pandemic lockdowns–
You could say
The End of History
Came after all
It’s just that it was the history of disbelief
We couldn’t believe God had given us Creation
So, we took it for ourselves
Only to never again believe in ourselves
Because that belief is always downstream of believing in God
And we chose to swim upstream
Thinking we could return to the place of our spawning
Like salmon
Except not to start again
But to claim it as our own
In a twisted fantasy
That if we bring on the end of everything
We’ll get to do our own thing
But, of course
Our thing remains sex and aggression
Distilled virtually here at history’s termination point
As porn and social media
Those twin spoils of a cyberwar that everyone wins
By keeping it going forever
Now that history is over
The opposite of terminate is begin
History, our story of self-generation,
Is finished–
Those with unfinished business
Can self-replicate and look for the results
By refreshing their screens
For as long as they like
Because now they exist outside of time
And though hell isn’t eternal
It takes exactly as long as needed
And if you need to rule the world
Securing that will take forever
For the rest of us
There’s a renewed confidence
In knowing that together
We can never be killed off
Not because
As the PESMistic tenured professors would have you believe
We are the Terminator
But because God is the Liberator
Who sends Moshiach as the Initiator
I hear him saying
Let’s begin

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