My dissertation defense fell apart even as I read my title– The Bronze Age: A Golden Age of…
I always hoped My life would be Fortuitous So, I lived in fear Now I pray
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
Pressure is wanting it for someone else Passion is wanting it
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in
If my wife could re-draft she says she’d still take me but only after trading back to the second round
There is no mind There is no body There is thinking and there is fee… And I know all too well How you feel
The culture war is a total war burning down everything from sea to shining sea
It’s up to us Whether we do what we know is wron… Because it feels good in the momen… But if we do The devil is always there
Evil is cruelty plus pleasure
If you do the right thing you won’t be rewarded but you will be enabled
Secure in my authenticity I thought I’d avoided that trap which had ensnared so many of my g… the safety of ironic distance– until I realized that
Writing history is hard especially when it’s about the past
If you instill children with self-esteem before they’ve fought and won confidence you’ll make of them cowards
The New Revised Standard Version… A frenemy of yours is a frenemy of… whereas the New King James Versi… The frenemy of my frenemy is my fr…