It is only when you conduct a fearless moral inventory that you will come to fear God because you knew the right thing t… but did the wrong thing anyway
The first half of life: If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it The second half of life: If you can’t fix it
I’ve now reached the age when anticipation con– sists of nostalgia
Where once man strove to move mountains now he settles for making them
My organizing principle Is that everyone wants to be princ… Unless they realize that God is p… And that for God Everyone is principal
The truth will set you free but consensus will get you academi… i.e., tenure
Life isn’t fair But we are all equals In the struggle To stay out of judging others For failing at their struggles–
There is only one way to claim moral authority: Convincing others that they are the authority in their own life And based on exhaustive research
In his weekend forays for psilocyb… he had always been wary of poisono… but he never accounted for the con… that did him in in the end
If a tree falls in the forest and your husband is there does it make a sound
If you accept this mission This message will self-destruct In five seconds So that you can be born believing… Which is the necessary condition
Life’s greatest mystery is how other people could possibly have as little interest in my Spotify playlists
Most importantly, survival depends… your curated self lacking all self… This is best accomplished when you… lack all self-awareness, with you and your curated self
Many con artists have a moral awakening; even more realize that the only compassionate thing to do is continue the con
You must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll ramble on.