Life is a test but I’d been treating it like a quiz– which is a preparation for a test– under the assumption that when I d…
In this earthly abode ‘Twas sadness that flowed With each new download Of binary code To ease our workload
Initially, as you approach hell it feels like you’re getting a warm welcome
Our civilization is a bureaucracy And a bureaucracy’s raison d’etre Is to replicate itself Replicate, of course Means to repeat through duplicatio…
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
God knows that the only thing you can give the man who has everything is another chance
Most lives are lived in service to one institution or another but only very recently has this begun to feel
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
In the end no one could be held accountable for the catastrophe not because there weren’t plenty of warning signs
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
You can strive for quality and never know if you will get any… You can pursue recognition and never know if you’ve done any… Or you can pretend to do both
When life gives white people lemon… they make ginger tea lemonade wit…
Google Glass never took because smart phones are a prosthetic for the hands not the eyes
Adolescents are testing the world By way of their parents– Will it, will they Give them what they need Or
At this late juncture All eating is competitive eating But in the world to come All competition will be An excuse for a feast