Why would they still offer A penny for our thoughts When they can buy in bulk
A mind without a body, Say one that’s been uploaded to th… Is like a thought without words– You can picture it But it’s senseless
If you can control the future through predictive policing– what the Department of Justice describes as “taking data from disparate sources, analyzing them and then using the results to ...
Zionism is the hill I will die on To be buried in the ground From which the world to come Is about to burst forth
When the world is a tsar Insisting: Don’t you dare be who… Take it as a dare and risk the sca…
When the highly educated play dumb and you are dragooned into spelling it out for them know that their obtuse dissembling bespeaks regression to the oral st…
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
It’s all over but for the shouting and this is the shouting
I have half a mind to lose my mind and half a mind to find God The question, natch
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
I don’t care about birds but I thrill when the squirrels can’t get to the birdseed
You can’t take it with you tells us how to live well But we think it means living forev… and so, we’ve invested in Shell In the hopes that our savings will…
God is one And God is the one that got away But God is still the one that’s got a way
If Meta has its way Meta will be to the metaverse as God is to the universe Of course if you look God in the face
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it