Why is there something rather than nothing? Because nothing is impossible
Philosophers dream of “The view from nowhere” Granting pure objectivity Instead, we got the internet’s View from everywhere
A student’s job has always been to put received knowledge into their own words or, more simply to state the obvious
Where before It was handed to me on a silver-pl… Where everything real was just bel… Now I’ve found the real way forwa… By making it up as I go along
Our view from the mor– al high ground was blocked by the Mt. Rushmore of golf
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
2/3 of the Earth Is covered by water So, most of the underground Is under water Accordingly, in dreams
Question: What do you want the mo… Answer: The most. This is how you know The devil is always cheating you Because desire is neither
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…
Can’t buy me love but you can buy me likes
The easiest way to tell that climate change is a new religion is that it allows for plenty of missed deadlines
The first time I went to a robot… I said it hurts when I do this just as I bared my soul and the robot doctor said Don’t do that
My favorite tennis player of all time is the Frenchman Guy Forget because man always forgets
People still make all the mistakes but now A.I. does all the learning