A civilization can die From a variety of causes– Famine, conquest, madness, etc. In succumbing to boredom Ours will be the first
Like a fine wine liberalism only rises to the subli… with a good pairing
Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
God said satis– faction guaranteed; religion is all the fine print
Yes follow the money but only because the money follows the pleasure
In the cyber proxy war of all agai… We are all fighting each other So that none of us have to fight Our own worst inclinations
I’ve never been one who just takes… I’ve only been able to see if I s… Now I’m middle-aged, the whole wo… My rose-colored glasses have fast… Turned into reading glasses throug…
Civilization began When the sons killed the father And substituted the name-of-the-fa… Civilization is ending Now that we’ve killed off the name…
I am a story I tell myself The story is a cover-up The cover-up is always worse than… The crime is merely the will to po… The cover-up is giving away my pow…
The distant past– Strong enough for a man, pH balan… The recent past– Strong enough for a woman The present–
My analyst says I want to have my cake and put it in a time capsule too
In all my years as warden I could never figure out how to co… with NFPA code “Access to exits shall be marked b… readily visible signs in all cases…
Because a man is only as good as h… you’ll know he means what he says when you see him do it But on social media a man is only his words
The most surprising aspect of the… though perhaps it shouldn’t have b… was the amount of paperwork it gen…