Just when you think You’ve seen it all It all falls apart So, you put it back together again Thinking this time it’s forever
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
Author your own story By questioning your own authority In order to find out What you are trying to control And if, like me
For our civilization to function everyone must be willing to meet at the disappointed hour where if you’re not five minutes t… you’re early
If you pull my heartstring I’ll say one of eleven pre-recorded phrases but you can only hear the ones in the first four dimensions
Everybody worships something But that something is amiss Hero worship is one thing But heroin’s an abyss Invisible from the One Ring
You need to follow the rules all t… so that you’re following the rules… At the same time, you need to know exactly when to break the rules But there can’t be a rule for brea…
Optimists dance the two-step: It’s going to get worse before it gets better Pessimists plod
Materialism is no way out of Cartesian dualism It just turns backwards– I am, therefore I think– in an infinite regress
My biggest mistake In fantasy football Is expecting today To be like yesterday Come to think of it
You can’t break the chain of events but you can break the chain of custody for the chain of events
People understand that their socia… depends on their phone but they wrongly believe that the existential question at h… is the familiar
The sign used to say: Gentlemen may remove their hats All others must Now it reads: Ladies and gentlemen may wear thei…
When our mirror stage was over we didn’t just lose the mirror we also lost the stage In replacement we got a screen (for screening out…