I may have a way with words but the metaverse is fast doing away with words
When I was a kid people grew on me like grass Now they’re more like sod
I have two dogs Which means I’m in double trouble I have three daughters Which means
Our first category mistake was believing that the Real has me… when the Real is absolutely meanin… only the Symbolic has any meaning This evolved into our second categ…
The soul is like water The body a glass And a dead body is just A glass from which All the water has evaporated
A movement can only cohere around a shared wish and the left sticks together by collectively wishing that Jews deserve what they get
If, as is said Fatigue is the enemy of courage Then the greatest strength is stam… And the genesis of stamina Is constant exertion
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
God is hard to know– That’s how you know He is God And how He knows you care Whereas the devil doesn’t care How you found him
I can demand control Of my fear Or I can accept That I am not in control And be not afraid
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
It feels like I’m writ– ing an unauthorized au– tobiography
Totalitarianism then: Nazis and the like Hunted and killed Jews Totalitarianism now: Those hunting likes
I’m not aware of the lies I tell myself Who is?!? But the white lies