They say if you expect disappointment then you will never be disappointed But I say
Our bodies are exactly as strong as gravity’s resistance makes them… in recognition of mortality we symbolize this through the know… that gravity is the weakest
You need a high in– come to claim the moral high ground on your taxes
The wonder of it all includes everything worth loving but also everything that must be endured So, I wonder about
Happiness is the moment after the weight of the world is lifted from your shoulders and before it lands on your toe
Just as the yin-yang symbol portrays both dominant sections with a small portion of the opposi… lack sows an abundance of desire and abundance lacks lack
In this world The greatest pleasure Is always anticipation: Moshiach is coming!
People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
Male materialists rarely make for marriage material because in their insistence that life’s not fair they further insist
Both my parents were tall and I ended up a shrimp Not coincidentally, my diet has al… largely consisted of pink flamingo… though scientists insist that it’s…
I am just like everyone else In that I am nothing like anyone… Which is how I am one While we too are one
Post-pandemic life is like being a… Who comes home only to find Her parents have replaced Her obviously dead goldfish With a new one
LL Cool J can’t live without his radio For me, it’s my patio
Forecasting the rain in Spain is mainly done in vain
In the past walking into a cathedral made you feel small Now it makes you feel fat