Pay attention to what is said: “One day we hope to enable every p… to feel as strong a sense of conne… as you feel when you’re physically with someone you love”
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
If you made a Venn Diagram of my office and a coal mine the only thing you’d put where the… is the canary we keep by the copie… If the canary is dead
Because the Real is unimaginable effective liars exploit what people want to be true– This is known as the Unreal But the opposite of the Unreal
We spend our whole lives going in… Our mistake is believing that we’r… When we’re always either Slowly spiraling upwards Or caught in a downward spiral
To be the bigger person you need to realize that egos are like animals: the smaller their proportions the greater their proportional str…
You have bathed in the Fountain o… Every time you wash off the sweat After a hard day’s work
Alas Nobody wakes up in the morning To kiss my ass Miraculously I don’t wake up in the morning
All forms of certainty are mutations of knowing that you must die which is why the true believer is always the most likely
Life isn’t fair But we are all equals In the struggle To stay out of judging others For failing at their struggles–
What I lack in hygiene I make up for in sleep hygiene
Let there be light blight and hindsight
On a gray scale Of one to ten I’m a perfect five
In order to survive, the out-group must make a constant study of the in-gr… and adapt to its evolving aggressi… The latest lesson is that,
The scientific method has, at long last arrived at a unifying theory which, for it is a dead end