AI can’t desire so it is taking over the world because we desire it imagining that AI will tell us exactly what to do
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
When a tone deaf authority insists you watch your tone it’s because they would never ask you to do something they aren’t already doing themselv…
People are the opposite of baked potatoes– If you keep poking holes in their theories they will explode
No one was more surprised than the… when we cracked open his shell and… the inside covered in mirrors
They say if you expect disappointment then you will never be disappointed But I say
In a Hegelian reversal, I couldn’t com– plain but it would help
Just because life is good doesn’t mean it isn’t also too much of a good thing
We got the five day work week because that’s how long it takes a python to digest it’s meal
Like you I was born for greatness And, like you My call to greatness is “A great disturbance in the Force…
The three day seminar culminated with walking across smooth sea glass and still cutting our feet
God said satis– faction guaranteed; religion is all the fine print
When God says Do what you want He knows You’re going to anyway His risk is betting you want
One problem with civilization is that the people drawn to power are precisely those who lack it
The reason every man has his price is because he always fails to real… 1. that he can never get what he w… 2. this makes his desire priceless