Ever since I got my first smartphone it feels like I’m visiting a museum and all the decent human beings
I like to think of The signs we are all seeing As God’s soft opening
An ideology will fail when followers are asked to believ… despite the fact that it isn’t tru… but will succeed as soon as those followers believe
We can’t tell you how anything wor… It’s computers? Nothing works? This party rules! It’s not the only party in town
Everybody wants to rule the world And along come the Jews Claiming that God rules the world But nobody wants God to rule the… Because everybody wants to rule th…
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
As a child Whenever I played Ms. Pac Man On my Atari 2600 I dialed the settings down From four ghosts to one
More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
An individual is someone who must… With the fact that he could be wro… And there’s no way to know for sur… But the choice must still be made The internet offers certainty
According to experts There are only seven basic plots Limited to the believable There are no experts on the truth Because the truth
If you want to understand human be… You need Sigmund Freud If you want to understand Freud You need Jacques Lacan If you want to understand Lacan
I was the first ever lobster discovered in the wild with a rubber band around my claw clamping it shut
You would think doing well on social media would give you strength in numbers but you only end up
I asked ChatGPT to tell me what I was thinking and it said You’re thinking I once was lost