As human beings Every last one of us Is trying to get away with somethi… So, give thanks to God– He will never let us get away
Many con artists have a moral awakening; even more realize that the only compassionate thing to do is continue the con
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
It takes talent to write a hit pie… but anyone can write a puff piece that in thirty years will read as a hit piece
Totalitarianism then: Nazis and the like Hunted and killed Jews Totalitarianism now: Those hunting likes
When hell freezes over we’ll all skate on our sins
When my father-in-law dusted the cobwebs off our front p… they were back within the week It is hard to feel sorry for a spe… that has negligible capacities for…
God knows In a game of hide and seek The best place to hide everything Is right in front of your nose So, you’ll never believe what I j…
I’ve reached the age where getting ready for bed is like preparing for a spacewalk
We hit it off: she’d declawed her cats and I’d plucked my cacti’s needles
I had just started explaining smar… When the alien stopped me in mid-s… And explained smart phones to me Originally, in order to monitor an… They were just going to attach
In all my years as warden I could never figure out how to co… with NFPA code “Access to exits shall be marked b… readily visible signs in all cases…
Puzzles can be solved Problems can only be exchanged
In the last stage of capitalism the rich will be ascetics
It’s not how well you prompt AI it’s how promptly you do so because he who laughs first will have the last laugh