It’s not just that The civilization I was born into Is gone– This probably happens To most of history’s long-lived
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone
Life is a movie in which childhood is a sequel to your pare… adulthood is a prequel for your ch… and making it to old age is living in a spin-off
You can only e– ver explain things with that which cannot be explained
It used to be true that “All the world’s a stage” but now that all the world wide web’s a gauge the real world’s but a Faraday Ca…
I try to imagine what it was like for my wife when two lines meant positive and the closest I get is when
I can demand control Of my fear Or I can accept That I am not in control And be not afraid
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
Where my father’s faith led him to wear a clerical collar I struggle with faith much as I do with ring around the…
When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation
In the movies they always guess right when it’s time to cut the blue wire or the red wire on the ticking time bomb
I never expected It wasn’t forever Because that’s how long it would t… To explore the infinite So, if I’ve changed
The only reason to pursue fame is to forestall the possibility that you’re the kind of person who would die wishing you’d been more famous
You will find The courage to be great If you first Dare to be grateful
Whether it’s a brute fact Or a gift from God We are free Is this fair? It depends on