Who says ye cannae change the laws… Where before Every action had An equal and opposite reaction Now every reaction
We used to be able to talk to each… About the world Because we could always say Present company excluded But now that every screen
After the sexual revolution men thought they could finally get what they want AND what they… while women believed they could at… get what they need AND what they…
If God is dead we get eternal recurrence, when things just keep happening ov… and transference, where every authority figure
In spacetime, the fourth dimension… Enabled the fourth estate to Document all the comings and going… But technology has made everything… So, those days are long gone
If the soul is eternal then self-overcoming more than becoming who you really… is becoming who you always were It’s like peeling away
We’re not in control so we try to take control which leaves us feeling out of con… But it’s because anything can happ… that we can do anything
Can you outrun your problems? Maybe, if you could run at the spe… But we’ll never know Because, as Einstein explained Running at the speed of light is i…
We used to worry about selling out; now we’re terrified of not buying in
If the truth were merely regarded as false it might still have found its purpose but once degraded into
Life’s a lot easier Once you realize that All truths are hard truths
Secure in my authenticity I thought I’d avoided that trap which had ensnared so many of my g… the safety of ironic distance– until I realized that
As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
The state of nature, where there’s Something for everyone To fear Monotheism, where there’s Something for everyone
What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…