Takeoff always happens just as we are running out of runway
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free
Now that everything is at last Out in the open People shut their eyes Not to escape the truth But to hide from their own blindne…
It’s a truism that life is a roller coaster ride But it’s also true that unlike a roller coaster things get even more interesting
One year Has seven dog years And one of God’s weeks Has seven days Accordingly
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
I had previously asserted that An ideology will fail When it asks its followers to beli… Despite the fact that it isn’t tru… But an ideology will succeed
Evil is cruelty plus pleasure
I’ll give you the forest And I’ll take the trees You save the whales And I’ll keep the bees The sand in your eyes
Note that the male tes– tes are exactly the size of small potatoes
The universe is always asking By chance, do you have a creative…
I still believe that anything is possible It’s just that now nothing would surprise me
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
You’re only a real materialist If you demand that believers Do the impossible And then get angry When they prove you wrong
Can you outrun your problems? Maybe, if you could run at the spe… But we’ll never know Because, as Einstein explained Running at the speed of light is i…