In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
Like the fern which is seedless but doesn’t lack seeds the universe (that cannot be named… is meaningless
A human has being so, we call ourselves human beings God has meaning so, we call Him
Just as Tastes like chicken is code for I only want chicken I don’t know what I want
You’re not allowed to copy from your neighbor because you’re supposed to copy from your teacher
Mysticism, esoteric knowledge, these are euphemisms for what’s hiding in plain sight: We are not alone
The difference between poisonous snakes and venomous human beings is that when the snake bites you and explains
My children have no idea they are living through a golden age of comedy
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…
Apocalypse now in the eternal now
I wish I could be the Lone Ranger Instead like everyone else I’m the known stranger
I don’t give a darn about my bland reputation
God’s loyalty is only matched By His Demands The most demanding of which is equ… And by His rewards The most rewarding of which remain…