Either like swords all signs have a point Or like the needle of a compass
Honesty is the best policy but it’s not an evidence-based practice
When I ask myself if I might be wrong, there’s a whole lot of red tape
It’s as thoughtless as a fling conjoined with worshiping as we all “Move fast and break thi… For in going from built to last arriving at built too fast
During the lockdown you were still technically allowed to exercise outdoors but I rigged up
Originally it was about Michael Bike and called Bike Rider
In this earthly abode ‘Twas sadness that flowed With each new download Of binary code To ease our workload
We’re always free to serve ourselves– Liberation is the process of freely choosing to serve others
The first thing you’re taught is t… you can make some of the people drink Coke all of the time and you can make all of the people drink Coke some of the time but
The best way to feel in control even though all control is an illusion is to stand in a line
Men are from Mars Women are from everywhere else
Acting locally solved climate change but now instead of a life or death situati… which at least had a degree of rom…
With organized religion there is a method to the madness In a rational society there is a madness to the method
We thought it would last forever but in retrospect we were having a high time at low tide when the clam digging was easy and the eating was good
Social media came for our teenage… and unable to organize their inner… they turned their aggression inwar… Now AI is coming for our teenage… and unable to impact the external…