They say seeing is believing but believing is doing so, logically, seeing is doing and I see what you’re doing so, I know what you believe
My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese
Life is a movie in which childhood is a sequel to your pare… adulthood is a prequel for your ch… and making it to old age is living in a spin-off
I have not loved my neighbor as my… but I have consistently greeted hi… with an insouciant bonhomie
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
The first thing you’re taught is t… you can make some of the people drink Coke all of the time and you can make all of the people drink Coke some of the time but
AI is a genie in a bottle that can only grant one wish: the wish for
I’m still the kind of person who is shocked that you can run out of gas and run out of luck at the exact same time
The narcissist is a two—sided coin… Heads, I need you Tails, I hate you– and the more you meet a narcissist… the more they will hate you
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
You have your Mr. Fix-It and your Mr. Learn-To-Live-With-It
You can watch my disappearing act as long as you’ve turned your back on the light allowing you to see a mere shadow of myself
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone
This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going
We treat life as if Postponing the inevitable When we should be busy Preparing for the inestimable