Liberalism is a gift That can only be received from Go… Sourced anywhere else It becomes a debt That can never be repaid
The devil’s one job Is making you an offer You can’t refuse And there’s only one thing The devil can’t offer
If husbands were like pro basketball players I’d be an all star but one with an exceptionally low trade value
At the end of The Sorcerer’s App… as chaos reaches a crescendo the sorcerer appears just in time and sets things back in order Apprenticed to no one,
You can’t put a square peg in a round hole but you can put a JPEG in a memory hole
I have what I need I know what I want I do all that I can until my day… My God does all the rest Or
Can you outrun your problems? Maybe, if you could run at the spe… But we’ll never know Because, as Einstein explained Running at the speed of light is i…
The internet is the opposite of th… When a memory is repressed you get it back even though you can’t remember it But when it is memory-holed
The quartermaster is responsible f… and nothing more Some of you will be content to half-ass the rest of it Some of you will be willing to ris…
The latest version of antisemitism takes the form of a magic trick: The diversion– Antisemitism is bad The illusion–
We should all know by now That every day is a do-over But we fail to realize That this means we’re in overtime And our version of overtime
The wonder of it all includes everything worth loving but also everything that must be endured So, I wonder about
The ugly duckling Is not a duck But he is a lucky duck
No one ever told the truth but not a one of us were liars because we always spoke exclusivel… in the future tense
If you want to ruin a man give him what he wants– This is the devil’s only secret