I went to bed after a gabfest and had a bad dream that I woke up on, nay in, silent retreat
Hey mister, that Deep Blue is some deep shit I know, that’s why we’re
I’ll never forget when a guy standing in his front yard confronted me about looking into parked car windows mistaking me for a car thief
There was no end in sight but we put an end to that by losing our sight And all we could hear was the sound of violence
My handwriting analyst said my electronic signature indicates a Type A personality and that’s all she sees anymore I said
The lie you chose to believe Always contains the truth That has chosen you The lie is comforting Because the truth is disturbing
Frequently, God’s light is like sun glare, telling me to slow the heck down
You’ll know whether you’re there to make things better or to make yourself feel better by how you react when you’re told you can do better
In Let there be plight the P is silent
You can’t know what you will decid… But you will know when you have de… You can’t know how you will act on… But you already know what is at st… Everything hangs in the balance;
On planet Earth there are natural… Anything you do comes with natural… On Google Earth there are no limi… You can do anything you want But anything you do
After years of therapy I was able to go from survivor’s guilt to thriver’s guilt
As Amazon Prime Minister I’m ringleader of the carefree world
All of our choices Come down to this: We can fear God Or we can fear death
You can’t burn a bridge when they’ve already dismantled th… to keep you out but you can burn an eternal flame to mark the location