On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
I’ve reached the age where getting ready for bed is like preparing for a spacewalk
The best way to prevent something from happenin… is to convince people that it already did
Future generations will laugh at o… their augmented cognition instantl… how the magician’s lovely assistan… but there is one trick they will n… half in fear that it would crash t…
I risked loss And lost; I win
I always thought everybody was saying It’s better to be safe, then sorry
Life was once a high-wire act without a net Now it’s tennis without a net
When I was a kid the rule was one kid got to pour two glasses of Coke and the other kid
7 in 10 Americans believe in heave… while only 6 in 10 believe in hell which is why the house always wins
If a computer could speak we could not understand it
Unlike the Americans and the Engl… who are divided by a common langua… the Americans and the Parisians are divided by a common symptom: disappointment
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
Decisions my wife doesn’t make are settled by stare decisis
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
The blood-brain barrier is semiper… Because your heart pumps out love By the truckload