It took years of therapy but the octopus finally arrived at… that the reason she didn’t like th… was because they were so much alik…
We’re hearing a lot of talk About saving democracy As if we were still A civilization ruled by a majority Which respects the rights of the m…
We spend most of our waking lives alternating between procrastinatio… and delayed gratification as if by putting things off we’ve bought ourselves more time
All forms of certainty are mutations of knowing that you must die which is why the true believer is always the most likely
We used to be able to talk to each… About the world Because we could always say Present company excluded But now that every screen
On paper Scratch that On screen The devil looks unbeatable Since odds always favor
Let there be light blight and hindsight
In the cold war the gravest danger was recklessnes… which we solved with Mutually Assured Destruction The culture war
Questions are the an– swer to everything; now, how can I assist you
No one can describe exactly What it was like When God spoke directly to all 2… At Mt. Sinai Because it was the only time
Somehow we evolved to love a challenge but hate a challenge to our thinking
Heart cancer is vanishingly rare because a heart of gold only spreads love, not gold while a mind of gold inevitably spreads all the way
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
The two-week lockdown To bend the curve Turned into a year-and-a-half That bent our minds When
You have bathed in the Fountain o… Every time you wash off the sweat After a hard day’s work