In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know
The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
I’m no angel But I have two angels– One to protect me from others And one to protect me from myself So, I was never alone
The last waltz isn’t over until they come waltzing back in
I never knew who they thought I really was until I finally staked my claim
As a start Put your mouth where your money is… This is called telling the truth But, of course Telling the truth
Your search for a vein is now done in vain under the soft tyranny of wireless narcotics in whose touchless embrace
Catwoman shamed Batman into getting out of the Batmobile… by telling him it was just like ec…
The world is An interrogation room And God is behind The two-way mirror
This world is backwards And reverse is the only way forwar… How do we put it in reverse When everything is backwards? By rediscovering our drive
As the new Assistant to the Deput… your primary initial responsibilit… 1) Establishing détente between wo… and paleo dietary restriction fact… while maintaining the dining hall’…
In this world The greatest pleasure Is always anticipation: Moshiach is coming!
I was never comfortable in my own skin but I always felt okay in alligator boots
Beginner is talking yourself into doing what you are going to do anyway Advanced is talking yourself out of doing
Because man is condemned to freedo… his freedom has no exchange value Still, every man has his price since he is always free to sell his soul to the devil