In the official version of my life I love my life In real life I love life itself
Updating Nietzsche– If you stare into the abyss at least the abyss stares back at…
You can’t call timeout in soccer But you can fake an injury You can’t call timeout in life But you can fake yourself out By believing you’ve faked us all o…
They say You can run but you can’t hide Which is why the One Ring With its power of invisibility Is so seductive
I know what I want But do I want everyone else To know what I want That is the question
The wrong crowd used to let things get out of control Now the wrong crowd has the best
Not one of us Has all the answers But we all Have all the answers Because there is only
Everybody knows the unwritten rule… Everybody thinks they know the unw… Nobody knows when the unwritten pu…
It wasn’t false modesty exactly You might call it un-unpretentious if you were being pretentious
The difference between a materiali… Is that a materialist finds it rat… That dark matter and energy must b… Because it makes their calculation… But fears they’ll never find it
I like positive reinforcement As much as the next guy And the next guy Gets a lot of likes So, it’s back to the grindstone
The biggest reason I ever did any… Was always my ego Even as a part of me insisted There must be something bigger That part, the heart
1. Make so much money you could he… 2. Remind yourself that “there’s n… 3. Tell yourself you need to feed… 4. Eat like kings
Of course, the west Still thinks it’s the best And in the postmodern west The best is the worst Which is all well and good
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…