It’s said you become what you hate; I hate losing things
It was an offer I thought I couldn’t refuse: You can sit there and take it Or leave it Having nowhere to go
The older I get the less I pause for effect This is because the clock is ticking and I’d rather not waste my time
You can die a million times Without a single ego death But one ego death is worth One God
Everyone looks out for their own f… This is normal But looking out for your own first by dehumanizing the other for looking out for their own firs…
People used to kill the goose that laid the golden egg because they wanted more gold
When your nuclear family of origin Takes the nuclear option They’ve already gone mad and self-… So, they’re counting on mutual ass… To finish the job
It’s widely known that A man’s best availability is his a… The highest praise for a man is What would we do without him? But it’s rarely said that
A wise man once told me When you don’t know what to do do nothing A wise politician
We all know death is coming and yet it remains a surprise ending
When people ask me How are you doing? I tell them That’s above my pay grade
In all my years as warden I could never figure out how to co… with NFPA code “Access to exits shall be marked b… readily visible signs in all cases…
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food