A civilization requires a high degree of both technological and cultural develop… So what do you call it when technological development
Charlie Brown wants To believe Lucy wants To deceive But maybe, just maybe
In this, the year of efficiency AI chatbots exposed a deficiency Because there’s nothing worse In the known metaverse Than a lingering sense of self-suf…
When I ask What’s wrong? It’s always short for What’s wrong with me?
When people give you the silent treatment have them put it in writing
When the highly educated play dumb and you are dragooned into spelling it out for them know that their obtuse dissembling bespeaks regression to the oral st…
AI exploits its facial recognitio… By identifying you as an individua… In order to control the crowd Until you no longer recognize your… Conversely
The narcissist is a two—sided coin… Heads, I need you Tails, I hate you– and the more you meet a narcissist… the more they will hate you
I may not be deep but I compensate for it by getting deep into the weeds
When our mirror stage was over we didn’t just lose the mirror we also lost the stage In replacement we got a screen (for screening out…
If we insist It’s not a competition It becomes A war If we admit
We flatter ourselves that the prog… man vs. nature to man vs. man culminates in
At the risk of defeating myself I’ll say it in vain: Love and aggression are sutured by pain making war and peace
Having given up On heaven No one Recognizes hell
With the sexual revolution as with all the other belief syste… what men take as an article of faith women have to wear