My biggest mistake In fantasy football Is expecting today To be like yesterday Come to think of it
There’s more than one way to move… So, I’m always beavering away At my dam that bends the river Far, far away from the foot of the…
Natural disaster was always an act of God With climate change we’ve made it our own
Blathering on about the threat of the other is a means of slathering on the notion that blocks the light: If I am not what you lack
Anselm’s ontological proof fails at proving the existence of God; there is no way around a leap of f… Instead, it proves that human bein… are incapable of accessing God’s m…
In communist Russia no one wanted to be seen to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin In America today
In cyberspace We play Simon Says In an endless repetition of Repeat after me In the world to come
Where once man strove to move mountains now he settles for making them
I’ll go those who want to live on forever in their apartment… one better– I’ll never even leave
My mid-life crisis is the fear that my tombstone epit… Like chicken, he went with everyth…
On a scale of one to ten One being the lowest Ten being the highest Rate yourself Then imagine
People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
In a bit of irony the only thing that both sides can agree on is that a win-win is intolerable
God is omniscient And He knows we can do great thin… Sharing that knowledge with us In the form of our desire God is omnipotent
Yes, we have no bananas but we still need you to play second banana