The devolution to a permanent ruling class of the progressive educated elite will not be televised Because the elite cut their cords
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
Johnny Cash is going to Jackson; I have been to Jacksonville
When I said That’s none of your business they replied Actually, that’s our entire busine…
Lunch is born free but everywhere is in chain restaurants
The lie you chose to believe Always contains the truth That has chosen you The lie is comforting Because the truth is disturbing
I thought the Protestant work eth… I saw all the lazy rivers in peopl… until I noticed they were each swi… against the current
If people tell you what they plan to do and you don’t believe them it’s because pretending they don’t really mean it
By hook or by crook I do it all by the book
If you can convince people that something is inevitable they will behave as if it’s already happened making its eventuality a non-event
Whereas Stanford decided to make its mascot a tree my wife is a decision tree and I am her mascot even though I couldn’t get into S…
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
If husbands were like pro basketball players I’d be an all star but one with an exceptionally low trade value
Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
The only stipulation they put on our capitulation was against any abrogation in accepting their congratulations