In His infinite wisdom God made the pen mightier than the… Which is why the internet’s first… Is the First Amendment It’s only once free speech and fre…
Having finally found my place I am ready for anything And everything Don’t worry– There’s a place for anyone
It used to be that We could feed our souls By serving others Or feed our egos By serving ourselves
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge
My favorite tennis player of all time is the Frenchman Guy Forget because man always forgets
Only a poet Can accurately describe anything More accurately A poet can describe anything Except himself
The kingdom of heaven is like two otherwise mediocre individuals making a great couple
We’re running out of time Because we’re running So walk, don’t run For though we have no time to wast… Haste still makes waste
I’m converting to Judaism but I’m a Scorpio so, I have a head start
Imagine what the mannequins say to… as they go their separate ways fro… as each ships out from the factory A religious mannequin says: There, but for the grace of God,…
The only reason to pursue fame is to forestall the possibility that you’re the kind of person who would die wishing you’d been more famous
One problem with civilization is that the people drawn to power are precisely those who lack it
Where once the Imaginary, the Sym… formed three sides of the same coi… now there is but one side to every… as the Imaginary is displaced by t… the Symbolic is scrambled in servi…
In communist Russia no one wanted to be seen to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin In America today
Apocalypse now in the eternal now