Charlie Brown wants To believe Lucy wants To deceive But maybe, just maybe
I’ve started blind copying my wife on emails to myself
My house built in the 1920s still has a TV antenna like a tattoo you got in early mid… with which you’ve come to have
No one loves a woman like her man and no one loves capitalism like its Marxists In each case
In the latest version of Captain… Captain America’s archenemy is Captain Obvious for all the obvious reasons
Thinking and feeling necessitates a lot of linking and… Done alone you just get a sinking… while on screen they see blinking…
They say that it is impossible To travel at the speed of light But slow and steady Always wins the race Because it is actually
Nietzsche was right– “Life itself is will to power” But so was Plato– “The measure of a man is what he d… As was Lord Acton–
Panic in the feeds of Towson Panic in the feeds of Baltimore I sunder too, myself Could life ever obtain again The world wide feeds that load you…
The most hellish aspect of hell is how some of the people there don’t mind it at all
You cannot beat God in any sport but you can tie Him in bowling
Social media– the bureaucracy of the people– is an eternal now where you always have just enough time
As the public version of one’s pri… social media is the recurring drea… of showing up at work without any… come true
When your nuclear family of origin Takes the nuclear option They’ve already gone mad and self-… So, they’re counting on mutual ass… To finish the job
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by