Good Luck Is Wasted on the Lucky
Negative theology collapsed when it became apparent God was sanguine
Haunted by conflicted feelings in… my therapist and I finally traced… when I preferred Pepsi to Coke and McDonald’s to Burger King but B.K. served Pepsi
Hell is a bottomless pit Making the first step towards heav… Hitting rock bottom I’m addicted to control And I’m handing control back to G…
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
I was voluntold to make myself sca… But scarcely do they realize In pretending to give me a choice They have unwittingly given me an… Truth or dare?
The pleasure in a magic show is wondering how the magician did it
Just when you think You’ve seen it all It all falls apart So, you put it back together again Thinking this time it’s forever
They say seeing is believing but believing is doing so, logically, seeing is doing and I see what you’re doing so, I know what you believe
Whether or not “art is the proper task of life” the transition to AI-generated synthetic media will complete the debasement of th…
Our surveillance state is uniquely American in that it is of the people by the people and for the people
Before the culture war you could talk to someone anyone say what you think and, when necessary, append a
The difference between a human bei… And an animal Is that a human’s instincts Can be wrong
Free will consists of recognizing the inevitable and choosing wisely
When at last my colleagues convinced me to go out after work and I’d relaxed enough to drop my… everyone could finally see my helm…
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience