Do me a favor and riddle me this: Is he favored to win Because he’s our favorite Or is he our favorite Because he’s favored to win?
When you obey men They use it to control you When you obey God You use it to control yourself
When Plan A is not having a plan Plan B is not having an exit strategy
You can tell the difference Between those who are interested i… And those who are interested in se… By noticing those Who pay lip service to service
Solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment which is why they lock the cell but if they put you in solitary confinement
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
It’s come to my attention that My attention span is limited By what I want to see And like most people these days I don’t know what I want
The baton is a scroll that says– among other things– The road goes on forever Heaven is
God is the world’s only super-bower
It never snows anymore in Baltimore but it did before you left open the refrigerator doo…
The state of nature, where there’s Something for everyone To fear Monotheism, where there’s Something for everyone
There is no theory of quantum grav… Because– Einstein notwithstanding– No one understands gravity There is no theory of God
Life is short because God knows to leave us wanting more
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything