As mysterious as the caterpillar bursting into the butterfly a lifetime of following all the ru… somehow prepared them to change all the rules
Yes follow the money but only because the money follows the pleasure
She believed me when I said that my life was based on a true story
Male materialists rarely make for marriage material because in their insistence that life’s not fair they further insist
The faceless horde finds strength in numbers by losing themselves in the crowd But when your numbers are small
We all know death is coming and yet it remains a surprise ending
The crucial moment in my elevator pitch comes when I hit the emergency stop button
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
When they closed all the beaches my dad said not to worry and I just knew he’d install the swimming pool I’d always wante… Instead, I came home from school
You can’t know what you will decid… But you will know when you have de… You can’t know how you will act on… But you already know what is at st… Everything hangs in the balance;
God is hard to know– That’s how you know He is God And how He knows you care Whereas the devil doesn’t care How you found him
A sliver of moon follows us home in the car How nice to be fooled
Instead of a scythe the mirthful reaper carried balloo… and we just floated away
Under new management, hell now consists of friendly fire
It always comes down to what is most important to you and what is most important to you is not knowing what is most import…