In countries with official state-r… Everyone pretends to pay attention So that they can go back to being… In countries with unacknowledged s… Everyone pays attention
I thought I’d flown the co-op by living off the grid And yet I’m still a chicken only now I’m on the skids So I’ve up and joined a commune
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
What I lack in subtlety I make up for in volume
Like a fine wine liberalism only rises to the subli… with a good pairing
Everyone knows it could go either way but no one believes it could have gone either way So we tell ourselves
Do me a favor and riddle me this: Is he favored to win Because he’s our favorite Or is he our favorite Because he’s favored to win?
It’s because certain questions will get you killed that certain other questions are also answers
I’m not at liberty to say exactly… Batman and Robin change their clo… while sliding down the Bat Poles but I can share that it involves a lot of Alfred’s band…
The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
Let’s call the before times “The… It’s not what you know It’s who you know But after the social media It’s not who you know
The makers of Fitbit Bring you the Pleasure Measure Because after you get your steps i… It’s time to get your fun done!
The difference between your superego and God is that your superego says You must, but you can’t leaving you with worlds of guilt
I’m always leaving things at church so the lost and found won’t be empty
It’s hard to quantify change We keep running our equations Adding and subtracting everything… From everything we know about God And the numbers don’t add up–