How many introverts does it take to change a light bulb? None– We turn to an inner light
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
Nature codes us for the road Man decodes and lo, a crossroads Where God goads
A sliver of moon follows us home in the car How nice to be fooled
I don’t give a darn about my bland reputation
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
A class marker is always written in permanent marker; in a classless society the permanent marker
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
The two-week lockdown To bend the curve Turned into a year-and-a-half That bent our minds When
What happens within the gray matte… has always been a gray area but as the gray scale falls from o… everything is in black and white including the technicolor dreamcoa…
God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us
Who is my trainer? God Who is my sparring partner? God Who is my cornerman?
Whereas Stanford decided to make its mascot a tree my wife is a decision tree and I am her mascot even though I couldn’t get into S…
The closest I ev– er came to forming Voltron was using Groupon
When success is made mandatory for all it becomes impossible for any