I thought I was too smart for my own good But happily, I’d overestimated my… and I was just smart enough to be vaporous
Faith can only move mountains by ignoring mountains of evidence Like most people who’ve lost their… I’ve retained my ability to ignore mountains of evidence
Life is a movie in which childhood is a sequel to your pare… adulthood is a prequel for your ch… and making it to old age is living in a spin-off
The world to come is like a signature look that’s always a new look
The makers of Fitbit Bring you the Pleasure Measure Because after you get your steps i… It’s time to get your fun done!
Whereas Mayor McCheese loved reading about himself in the newsp… ex-Mayor McCheese was served with divorce papers
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria
I had previously asserted that An ideology will fail When it asks its followers to beli… Despite the fact that it isn’t tru… But an ideology will succeed
I’ve been racking my brains for the perfect response to accusations of perfectionism only to land at a conundrum: a confession of false modesty is
We ask people How are you doing? because it’s the easiest way to prevent them from actually telling us how they are doing
After years of therapy I was able to go from survivor’s guilt to thriver’s guilt
Women are attracted to men who tak… Because it’s the best possible clu… That he would risk his life for he…
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (C… Holds that there is a sequence In which an experience is followed… By a belief, a thought, and a feel… Fair enough
“You want fries with that?” used to be a line to mock the working poor How ironic that “You want fries with that?”
There are two types of men: Those who lie to deceive and those who by lying tell you what they really believe There is one type of woman: