I was never comfortable in my own skin but I always felt okay in alligator boots
I’m no angel But I have two angels– One to protect me from others And one to protect me from myself So, I was never alone
We have passed from an age of temporary solutions for permanent… consider religion and death– to an era of permanent solutions for temporary…
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
Language shouldn’t work A word, all words Are defined by other words Defined by still further words And on and on
She believed me when I said that my life was based on a true story
The word of God is written in invisible ink and must be lived in order to be truly seen unless and until those lives are d…
Having heard that God is everywhe… and failing to see Him anywhere the unbeliever deduces that God is neither here nor there when, in fact, God is in the air
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by
It should come as no surprise when the Emperor with no clothes e… Off with their threads!
The fog is so thick now We’re buried up to our necks in it Our bodies out of sight And out of mind Making the ground beneath our feet
The internet is the opposite of th… When a memory is repressed you get it back even though you can’t remember it But when it is memory-holed
You can only tell that People are truly free If they work harder than everyone… Which they do because All of their work
Imagine all the things They wouldn’t allow If they were invented now Anything fast: No motorcycles