You can only e– ver explain things with that which cannot be explained
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience
You can’t believe without doubt But if you only believe in doubt Then you’re doubting doubt Which is like Exhaling and exhaling
Believing that one can use social media for good is like thinking one can live in the Matrix without fueling the Machines
The B is silent in subtle but spo… B-cause a B-ing B-comes human by saying the quiet… The B-all and end-all Is the B-ginning and the end
There is the rule of law Which is self-explanatory Or there is the law of rule Which will always be explained to…
My corner of the internet may be infinitesimally small Not even a grain in a brick in the wall Yet still I’m a part
Human beings would be hopeless but for God being hopelessly in love with us
Told to shut my mouth I took them literally Zipped my lips And held my breath Until I could stomach it no longe…
I still believe that anything is possible It’s just that now nothing would surprise me
The difference between poisonous snakes and venomous human beings is that when the snake bites you and explains
It’s not that we are past The point of no return But that we the people Have invested our life savings In scorn for our neighbor
If you want to remain married one partner should stay busy moving the goalposts while the other focuses on running out the clock
I went to a personal branding work… only to find that my most marketab… leveraging value from a lack of or… lends itself more to generics
Steely Dan sings “I don’t wanna do your dirty work… again and again only once intoning “I foresee terrible trouble