It takes billions of years for the… of stars to reach us on earth but for the light its passage is instantaneous Our current relationship with God
The pleasure in a magic show is wondering how the magician did it
It took years of therapy but the octopus finally arrived at… that the reason she didn’t like th… was because they were so much alik…
We’re always free to serve ourselves– Liberation is the process of freely choosing to serve others
The United States’ motto is still In God We Trust but everyone knows that’s come to mean Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
The truth might set you free but it’s the half truths that will let you remain neutral
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
In order to survive, the out-group must make a constant study of the in-gr… and adapt to its evolving aggressi… The latest lesson is that,
Like generals husbands are always preparing to f… while their wives are always prepa… to fight the last just war
At the very beginning of the Tora… Just after enabling the light God separated the waters of the de… And of the heavens (rendered into… With the land
All self-help books boil down to this: You can’t fold a piece of paper more than 7 times but if you could fold it 103 times
I want what you want so I want a cow
Rest assured AI will give us exactly what we d… Because the devil is gentle but fa… Whereas God is tough but more tha…
Time is money But time stops at the speed of lig… Which means the buck stops, too Making enlightenment the act of ta… For how you’ve spent your time