Not to be outdone I cut my face off to spite my nose
In the cyber proxy war of all agai… We are all fighting each other So that none of us have to fight Our own worst inclinations
Not one of us Has all the answers But we all Have all the answers Because there is only
God is the only Subject Who see things objectively So, God’s object Is to change the subject And God knows that, like Him, we…
You must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll ramble on.
Don’t fear death– Time is the chisel With which we sculpt the infinite Or if, like me, you work with word… Each day is a first edition
The wait is heavy So, I choose to carry a heavy wei… And where the wait is exhausting The weight is strengthening As long as I rest between lifts o…
When life gives you A bottomless pit Fill it with Bottomless fries
Your ego never knows it’s there Until you greet it Which you do By addressing the other
Mother Goose was always considere… a good enough mother Until lately we realized her failure to smother It was unanimous
When they told me I was one of many I took them to mean I was the one
Knowledge is power said the company man of the hour on whom we all soon began to sour for institutional knowledge is dou…
Behaviorists insist that the mind is a black box which makes it an utter mystery
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
After the sexual revolution men thought they could finally get what they want AND what they… while women believed they could at… get what they need AND what they…