Whoever said It’s lonely at the top must have never had their own spelling group in third grade
I didn’t know my own strength because my strength is in numbers But now I know that my greatest w… was wanting to be number one Fortunately, while it’s easy to ge…
Self-discipline is The only real self-indulgence Everything else is self-abnegation
War is hell, but be– ing conquered is hell on Earth which makes it much worse
Life used to be hard And that’s how we liked it So much that we used to say Hurry up and wait In the understanding that
I wish I could be the Lone Ranger Instead like everyone else I’m the known stranger
We’ve gone from treating people as a means to an end to using them as props for pretend
If you pursue any vice long enough you’ll either become bored or addi… scratch that– you’ll either become bored and qui… or bored and addicted
My greatest fear is losing control but I’m not in control I have an eternal soul but I’m afraid to die I’m scared of making mistakes
I dream in color but my interpretations are in black and white
I may look like a tall glass of water but be– ware, I’m half empty
The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
Everybody knows that Jews are indigenous to Israe… that they were frogmarched out into the oft-deadly diaspora by th… and that they have openly and
Nation-states are for the embodied Bodies are for souls Souls need everything in moderatio… Cyberspace is for cyborgs Cyborgs are for real
After the sexual revolution men thought they could finally get what they want AND what they… while women believed they could at… get what they need AND what they…