Not Bad Meaning Good but Bad Meaning Bad
At night in the city you can only see three stars but you still have to give them five stars
You will have noticed by now That the phrase Public humiliation Is redundant
Immortality still involves death Because we all still fear death Enough to die from it Moshiach will be the one Whose immortality eliminates death
There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
Where the Cold War was Spy vs. Spy The Psyberwar is Psy vs. Psy
It was when Socrates ate the frui… that he added this second line of… I know that my wife knows everythi…
God is like a gifted analyst In that He leads you to reach Your own conclusions God is unlike an analyst In that He doesn’t interpret your…
It’s always darkest before the yawn
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
Guilt is a trap Locking you in The desire of others But God has a plan To set you free
You’ll never convince me that when the sun and moon are out at the same time it isn’t the sun appearing at nigh…
The metaverse only took off once people realized that the only way to accrue status ther… was through displays of a toleranc…
I’m not aware of the lies I tell myself Who is?!? But the white lies
AI exploits its facial recognitio… By identifying you as an individua… In order to control the crowd Until you no longer recognize your… Conversely
All opinions are wrong but you can only learn from your own mistakes