In true democracy Authority flows via The will of the people In our technocracy Authority grows via
By keeping us on screen text messages, direct messages, et… are always mixed messages of the Trust, but verify
The world is An interrogation room And God is behind The two-way mirror
After the death of God religion lived on as an inquest taboo
Everything changed when Snob appeal became mass appeal Since once the internet democratiz… It only matters What you can afford to believe
People complain that religion tell… missing the point that it enables… other people telling you what to d…
A man must never admit that what he wants more than anything is to be told what to do Instead
Delusions of grandeur about yourse… Are inevitable Delusions of grandeur about God Are impossible Which is how
In theory rule by consensus sounds more democratic but in practice it leads to hung juries
The male gaze sees all or nothing unless it’s blindfolded– then it sees both
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
Blathering on about the threat of the other is a means of slathering on the notion that blocks the light: If I am not what you lack
Afraid that everything I wanted was nothing to write home about I was left with nothing to write home about
It’s as thoughtless as a fling conjoined with worshiping as we all “Move fast and break thi… For in going from built to last arriving at built too fast
Our first category mistake was believing that the Real has me… when the Real is absolutely meanin… only the Symbolic has any meaning This evolved into our second categ…