Of course, the west Still thinks it’s the best And in the postmodern west The best is the worst Which is all well and good
My grandfather built his house With his own hands And yet later in life Cut off half his thumb with a chai… If Alanis Morissette is right
Life as we know it Is a competition for status In this competition Socialists are unequaled As are you and I
They say love it or leave it yet what do you do if you love your country but it leaves you
You can’t take both forks in the road but you can overpack
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
If: “The unconscious is structured lik… Then: The ego is structured like a trans… of that language into the mother t…
The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
I don’t care about birds but I thrill when the squirrels can’t get to the birdseed
My analyst says I want to have my cake and put it in a time capsule too
Putin lost his mind then he lost his war then he lost his job or Putin dropped the mask
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
I know the world is round from experience: I ran from the truth for so long that I ran smack into it