Marxism is a sadism with a simple formula: My happiness becomes real the moment yours is dematerialized
All fiction Is serious fiction Because all fiction Is life and death Everything on the internet
But you will always get a second chance to make a false impression
Just because life is good doesn’t mean it isn’t also too much of a good thing
An individual is someone who must… With the fact that he could be wro… And there’s no way to know for sur… But the choice must still be made The internet offers certainty
Life isn’t fair But we are all equals In the struggle To stay out of judging others For failing at their struggles–
You both cause and cure real self-… by performing fake self-loathing for an online audience The cure takes when you’ve no authentic self left
This is a much simpler question than What does a woman want? Hamas wants to kill all Jews in Israel
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
Everybody talks about the lack of movies for grown-ups but no one mentions the absence of grown-ups Of course, without grown-ups
By keeping us on screen text messages, direct messages, et… are always mixed messages of the Trust, but verify
I’ve started blind copying my wife on emails to myself
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
If you made a Venn Diagram of my office and a coal mine the only thing you’d put where the… is the canary we keep by the copie… If the canary is dead
Because man is condemned to freedo… his freedom has no exchange value Still, every man has his price since he is always free to sell his soul to the devil