Love may never win but love always ties
On a sphere If you drill down far enough Eventually you will find yourself Drilling up to the surface So, while we may never get to the…
Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
You’ll know you’re talking to God When He doesn’t talk back Yet you still have your answer
If nothing is possible Because of the inevitable– We mortals all die in the end– Then we are left to do the impossi… And become immortal by
The day I found out I was as deep as a basket of botto… was the same day I learned that the problem with fishing for compl… is that you can’t throw them back
Life isn’t perfect Because God’s love is
Of late, being good materialists we put space first calling this universe spacetime Yet, at the speed of light it’s not space collapsing
Our task is never-ending And our time is limited This is a major source of complain… But consider the opposite possibil… Our work here is done
Never trust anyone who doesn’t believe in hell They’re almost always the ones whose idea of heaven is usurping God
Updating Yeats’s “The best lack all conviction While the worst are full of passio… I’d say The best lack all conviction
You can use the Force or you can use force and the Force will use you because the Dark Side or the Light Side
What I lack in hygiene I make up for in sleep hygiene
Feminism’s big mistake is thinking it can use a power vac… to clean up the patriarchy’s mess
In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know